Here you can delete unnecessary DLLs which are no longer in use.

What are DLLs?
DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) are programs not executable on their own. They contain information that can be used by other programs. For instance a DLL can offer the function to access the internet. This DLL can then be used by a browser, a mail-client, chat-software and other internet-compatible software without forcing the programmers to code this function on their own.

Why should I delete DLLs?
If a program needs a DLL it copies it into the Windows directory during installation. If the program is uninstalled these DLLs remain in the Windows directory, because the software cannot "know", if there is another program needing this DLL (if a program does not find a needed DLL it does not run). Windows has an internal list of all DLLs and saves the information about how many programs use a specific DLL. WinSpeedUp searches this list for DLLs which, as Windows "says", are not used by any other program.

Advantages of this function: you get more free disk space and accelerate Windows, because there are less DLLs to administrate.

How can I delete unnecessary DLLs?
You cannot specify which DLLs can be deleted without a risk. Therefore you should create a backup first: hit "Manage Backup...". There choose the DLLs you want to back up from the list on the left side and then click on "Create Backup ->". The backups are saved in the subdirectory "DLLBackups" in the WinSpeedUp directory.

After creating the backups(s) close the dialog "Manage Backup", select the DLLs in the list you wish to delete and click "Delete DLL(s)".
Now go on working with your computer as usual and keep looking for error messages or non-running programs. The error messages mostly show the DLL which has not been found. Remember this name and restore the file with WinSpeedUp.

Restore backup
In WinSpeedUp on the tab "DLLs" click on "Manage Backups...". Select the DLL on the right side and hit "<- Restore Backup".

Hitting the button "DLL Properties" shows you some short pieces of information about the selected DLL.